The Nomads

You had been sitting in the tavern for almost an hour by the time these two approach you. They look almost exactly as N'liit had described them to you.

"You have to be N'liit's friend." The Angel on the left speaks.
"Are you really here to help us?"

Before you can answer, the much more hesitant man on the right stops you.

"They had better be. We're wasting time by being here otherwise."

The way that his eyes of pure gold hover over you
tells you everything you needed to know.
You had better ask all of your questions,
because these men needed all the help they could get.

SUBSpecies Info + Rules

What is a Nomad?

Nomads are a Minoan Subspecies.
They are a hybrid of the Minoan and Nymph.

Species notes

Because Nomads are a
subspecies of the Minoan and the Nymph,
they have many overlapping aspects of conventions and culture.

Naming Conventions

Nomad name conventions tend to be a little "sillier" than serious. They oftentimes will name themselves after random objects, or give themselves a Minoan name if they so please.

Name SchemesExamples
MinoanSee Minoan Schemes
NymphSee Nymph Schemes
Natural ObjectsRock, Sky, Stick, Lake, Bones
Unnatural ObjectsBottle, Necklace, Spoon
AnimalsRat, Kitty, Shark
VegetablesTurnip, Spinach, Radish

Cultural Beliefs

These conventions are normally used in lore for lore purposes and are not commonly found on public owned minoans.

  • Nomads believe in their own Gods, and a few Minoan ones.

  • They are a very family based society. It is virtually impossible for nomads to not know each other, at least a little bit.

  • They all share one "Tribe," which is extended over the entirety of the Nameless Lands and into parts of Baalkithi and Mewinthi.

Traditional Life

Nomads hold a lot of regard to the arts. They are a very creative society.

  • It is not uncommon for groups of Nomads to make money by way of travelling carnivals and fortune telling.

  • While Minoans and Nymphs may find their circuses "trivial" and "fun", it is a very serious way of life. Some Nomads take their performances so seriously to the point of body modification.

  • For those that are not performers, there are still other jobs that need to be filled.

  • Common roles include Shepherds, Farmers, Tradesmen, and Apothecaries.

Changes with the seasons

Nomads have been found to include a nymph gene
that causes them to change with the seasons.
It is not uncommon for Nomads with
this trait to change their secondary flowers with the season.